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Greeting Cards

Create unique cards, personalised with your photos and text.

Gold, Rose Gold, Silver, and Gloss Highlights

Add embossed design elements and text to your greeting cards
Gold Highlights

Elegant and sophisticated golden highlights for text and design elements

Rose Gold Highlights

High-qality, coppery metallic effect gives your cards an elegant, luxurios feel

Silver Highlights

Glimmering silver highlights with a classic look and feel for stylish greeting cards

Gloss Highlights

A tactile, glossy, raised effect adds colour intensity to text and design elements

Choose from our range of formats and sizes

Add designs, text, photos, and stickers to your cards to create something special

Compare Paper Types

Find your favorite from four different types of card stock
Standard Paper

High quality digital print with a matte finish. Paper grammage: 300 g/m². Rich colors and contrast with excellent resolution for the smallest details.

Recycled Paper

Recycled paper with a matt and natural look. Grammage: 300g/m². Blue Angel certified paper with water-based digital printing in soft colours.

Premium Paper

The premium paper impresses with its particularly fine structure. Paper grammage: 300 g/m². Matte, soft colours for an elegant result.