CEWE App Photo books, prints and more

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Square Prints
Square Prints
Square Prints
Square Prints

Square Photo Prints

Print you favourite photos in stylish squares

Our square prints are a fun way to bring your snapshots to life, and with a variety of layouts to choose from, you can really show off your pictures in style.

  • Set of 16, 24 or 32
  • Textured Matte finish
  • Protective Presentation box included
from US$ 18.69 *

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Product Features


  • 300 gsm paper


12,7 x 12,7 cm


  • 16, 24 and 32 sets including storage box

Get Creative with Our Square Prints

Whether you’re using them as gift tags, pinning them up around your home, or using them in a craft project, there are endless ways to get creative with our Square Prints. With a beautiful matte finish, the detail and colour of your images will really stand out, whilst the square shape will give your photos that desirable Instagram feel.

Our Square Prints are a great alternative to conventional photo prints, and with sets of 16, 24 or 32 available, you can print all of the photos you love in stylish squares. From holiday snaps to baby pics, Square Prints are the modern way to print your memories.